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Концепт состоится! Красавец, а?!


Сообщений: 19258
21:31 22.03.2015
Obamindeec (Resc) писал(а) в ответ на сообщение:
Развернуть начало сообщения
>У ? Новый нытик на форуме
А мне другое интересно, где ох ходит, что тонет в ... овне?
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Сообщений: 27635
21:32 22.03.2015
anselm (anselm) писал(а) в ответ на сообщение:
Ваши генсеки все и просрали , растащили , распродали , у народа не спрашивали. И еще наглости хватает вякать.
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Сообщений: 81180
21:34 22.03.2015
anselm (anselm) писал(а) в ответ на сообщение:
> Это были просто предатели как и их последователь Путин
> "В семье не без урода"- русская пословица
А все главы республик тоже были предателями..да вас коммунистов даже не судили..Сначала из партии изгоняли..А нужно было как бывших членов КПСС судить и сроки больше давать вплоть до расстрела..Ладно, высшее звено - предатели, а среднее звено кто? Такие же предатели? перерожденцы? Сгнили вы..слишком долго на лаврах почивали..Такчто не говори мне..Я в те годы инженером работал..кой чо видел...
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Сообщений: 15506
21:36 22.03.2015
anselm (anselm) писал(а) в ответ на сообщение:
> Сколково тоже уже было.
> Нано страна,куда там,картинки одни красивые а пойдёшь в хавне утонешь
Сколково в плюса вышло ....следи за новостями .
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Сообщений: 57748
21:40 22.03.2015
Ножки (стойки шасси) коротенькие
пошибёт крылья при посадке при боковом ветре
особенно с учетом что боковая площадь большая.
Да и при взлете нехорошо, в поддувало с земли грязь залетать будет.
Пусть ножки длиннее сделают.
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Сообщений: 81180
21:40 22.03.2015
Украинский патриот (Harry88) писал(а) в ответ на сообщение:
> А что это за самолет такой?
Ульяновская компания " Волго-Днепр"
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  Украинский патриот

Сообщений: 6154
21:43 22.03.2015
Ангарский (360505) писал(а) в ответ на сообщение:
> Украинский патриот (Harry88) писал(а) в ответ на сообщение:
>> А что это за самолет такой?
>Ульяновская компания " Волго-Днепр"
Это пассажирский, транспортный ТТХ есть?
Про двигатели ничего не понял, что там с центрального на боковые идет?
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Сообщений: 81180
22:01 22.03.2015
Это же концепт...самолёт будущего..надеюсь скорого..Есть статья, но она на английском, кто переведёт? я так понял что это дипломная работа Алексея Комарова.. Future Russian army could deploy anywhere in the world – in 7 hours
Published time: March 19, 2015 11:56
Edited time: March 20, 2015 07:58 Get short URL
Artist concept of future Russian Special Purpose Aircraft (Concept: Aleksey Komarov, Customer and Technical Manager: Volga-Dnepr Group)Artist concept of future Russian Special Purpose Aircraft (Concept: Aleksey Komarov, Customer and Technical Manager: Volga-Dnepr Group)
Air Force, Planes, Russia, SciTech, Transport, Vehicles
In the future, a fleet of heavy transport aircraft will reportedly be capable of moving a strategic unit of 400 Armata tanks, with ammunition, to anywhere in the world. And probably at hypersonic speed, enabling Russia to mount a global military response.

According to a new design specification from the Military-Industrial Commission in Moscow, a transport aircraft, dubbed PAK TA, will fly at supersonic speeds (up to 2,000 km/h) and will boast an impressively high payload of up to 200 tons. It will also have a range of at least 7,000 kilometers.

The PAK TA program envisages 80 new cargo aircraft to be built by 2024. This means in a decade Russia’s Central Command will be able to place a battle-ready armored army anywhere, Expert Online reports, citing a source in the military who attended the closed meeting.

Artwork: Aleksey KomarovArtwork: Aleksey Komarov

One of the main tasks of the new PAK TA is to transport Armata heavy missile tanks and other military hardware on the same platform, such as enhanced self-propelled artillery weapons systems, anti-aircraft missile complexes, tactical missile carriers, multiple launch missile systems, and anti-tank missile fighting vehicles.

The PAK TA freighters will be multilevel, with automated cargo loading and have the capability to airdrop hardware and personnel on any terrain.

Diplom - Alexey Komarov from Alexey Komarov on Vimeo.

A fleet of several dozen PAK TA air freighters will be able to lift 400 Armata heavy tanks, or 900 light armored vehicles, such as Sprut-SD airborne amphibious self-propelled tank destroyers.

READ MORE: Russia’s new Armata tank on Army 2015 shopping list

Russia`s T-14 Armata Main Battle Tank. (A still from Youtube video by arronlee33)Russia`s T-14 Armata Main Battle Tank. (A still from Youtube video by arronlee33)

“With the development of a network of military bases in the Middle East, Latin America and Southeast Asia, which is expected to be completed during the same time period (by 2024), it’s obvious that Russia is preparing for a full-scale military confrontation of transcontinental scale,” Expert Online says.

A source who attended the closed meeting of the Military-Industrial Commission told the media outlet on condition of anonymity that he was “shocked” by the demands of the military.

Sprut-SD airborne amphibious self-propelled tank destroyer. (RIA Novosti / Vjacheslav Afonin)Sprut-SD airborne amphibious self-propelled tank destroyer. (RIA Novosti / Vjacheslav Afonin)

According to the source, the PAK TA project has been ongoing for several years now and will eventually supplant the currently operating air freighters. But such a global mission statement for national military transport aviation has never been voiced before.

“It means for the first time we have the objective of creating an operational capability to airlift a full-fledged army to any desired place on the planet,” the source said. This means delivering a task force the size of the former NATO and the US troops in Iraq, in a matter of hours to any continent. “In the context of the current military doctrine that defies comprehension,” the source said.

READ MORE: Putin: Talking to Russia from position of strength is meaningless

Artwork: Aleksey KomarovArtwork: Aleksey Komarov

The initial PAK TA specification entailed building subsonic air freighters with a conventional 900 km/h cruising speed and a moderate 4,500-kilometer range.

The program involves the creation of wide-body freighters, with payloads varying from 80 to 200 tons, to replace all existing Ilyushin and Antonov cargo aircraft.

The only operating aircraft with a comparable payload is the Antonov An-225 Mriya (up to 250 tons), but this is a one-off aircraft created specially for the Soviet Buran space shuttle program.

Artwork: Aleksey KomarovArtwork: Aleksey Komarov

Last year, it was reported that future military air freighters will be developed by the Ilyushin Aviation Complex, with some experts saying the company may base designs on the Il-106 cargo plane (80 tons) project that won a government tender in the late 1980s, but was abandoned after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Now, with ambitious specifications and objectives, the PAK TA is a truly next-generation transport aircraft.

READ MORE: Russia to deploy fifth-gen fighters, S-500 missiles in 2016

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slavixtube 19 hours ago
Lovely design. Unlikely to fly supersonic. But I am not happy with this style reporting by RT. Too much hearsay and rumor for such a superlative and confident headline. RT please don`t turn yellow.
Chitwambi Makungu
Chitwambi Makungu 20 hours ago

Paul Diether
How nice to see foreign ####tards that spend their time to discuss a work of 20 y.o. student of Academymore...
Where overseas? Relativity??
Chitwambi Makungu
Chitwambi Makungu 20 hours ago

John Carlson
But would it ever get off the ground.lol
Reminds me of how sceptics doubted that the Soviet era Antonov An-225 Mriya would ever leave the ground, and it did, gracefully! and is currently the largest plane in the skies. Prepare to eat your words.
ReplyContext 1
Paul Diether
Paul Diether yesterday at 19:42
How nice to see foreign ####tards that spend their time to discuss a work of 20 y.o. student of Academy of arts and design <img src="/forum/images/icons/icon12.gif " alt=";)" border=0 align="absmiddle">
You`re really dumb there overseas!!! I was thinking better of you. You are so dissapointing. Get out of your PCs and earn some degree at school.
Reply -2
Bob Jones
Bob Jones yesterday at 18:54
Somebody mentioned stealth..... I have personally witnessed "Air Force 1" during the 9/11-no fly order actually flying dangerously low and below radar without making any sounds at all. They oddly still had their running lights on though......for anybody who doubts that they can "silence" such a large aircraft.
Bob Jones
Bob Jones yesterday at 18:44

Jerek Adams
Troll! Excellent! The word used by those at the limit for their capacity to reason! You havemore...
What`s wrong with a "big" nose ? Apes have small noses.....humans developed larger brains, noses, and even bigger feet for walking upright.
Bob Jones
Bob Jones yesterday at 18:27

Krzysztof Oleksij
Good luck upgrading your army without modern electronics provided by the west....Theres a reason why every Russian T-90 tankmore...
.....U.S. has Chinese electronics.......seems like it`s the Russian electronics that are getting stolen out of the ships ! It`s the only way that the US can listen in on Russian communications......since most of their Radio Shack stores went out of business that were selling Japanese and Chinese radio parts.....haha....
Bob Jones
Bob Jones yesterday at 18:21

American strolls working overtime for extra food stamps.
.....an extra piece of bread at one of the thousands of new "soup kitchens" that have had to open up in the United States because they (U.S.government) can`t afford to give them as much food stamps anymore !
Bob Jones
Bob Jones yesterday at 18:10

Firstname Lastname
Sorry, but anyone with even the most basic understanding of aerodynamics can tell instantly that this thing isn`t going anymore...
Looks like it has enough "air" intake area to compensate for any structural drag. The higher altitudes that this would fly would be the key along with the type of fuel and variations of the engines which are probably top secret .
The faster(and higher) that you travel....the less you depend on the original "airplane" concept. WW 2 German pilots had simular conceptual trouble flying jets and rockets.They would try to land way too slow and end up stalling.
Russia does build some of the world`s largest aircraft......I bet that they have a few clues.
Bob Jones
Bob Jones yesterday at 17:56
Space marines !
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname yesterday at 17:30
Sorry, but anyone with even the most basic understanding of aerodynamics can tell instantly that this thing isn`t going any faster than high subsonic speeds.

You need a pretty specific wing, fuselage and intake design to go supersonic, this "concept" would rip itself apart the minute it attempted to break the sound barrier.
Mikhail Karpenko
Mikhail Karpenko yesterday at 17:24

Let me understand, 220 tons capacity but can carry 400 tanks weighing 50 tons each. That is more like 20.000 tons.
"A fleet of several dozen PAK TA air freighters will be able to lift 400 Armata heavy tanks"
ReplyContext 1
michirita yesterday at 15:21
Let me understand, 220 tons capacity but can carry 400 tanks weighing 50 tons each. That is more like 20.000 tons.
Reply 1
Miro Mini
Miro Mini yesterday at 12:06

Tony Rossini
Just keep posting a bunch of theorotical concepts of Military hardware......that`s enough for the Americans to wet their pants andmore...
They would probably build like 3 of tem for testing and find they are useless. the US will of course build something similar and order 3000 of them with 50% upfront at a cost of 20 trillion. Then Russia would test the design for a decade while they think about it. Not that its not a great idea.. Just not viable for Russia. They don`t need it since their posture is for defense against a far superior force and not for an attack. Russia will end up in the same hole as the US if they change that posture to attack mode.
victor manuel
victor manuel yesterday at 06:45
Russian made this happen soon can`t wait to see it look awesome.
This could be a spacecraft like the one i need to move to mars.
Reply 1
Mike Jones
Mike Jones yesterday at 06:34
Not going to happen... but it will be my next drone project.... sweet design... but not practical...
Garvin A A Harris
Garvin A A Harris yesterday at 05:12
Where technology is now" this is a waste of time , hoid design but could be more advance!
John Carlson
John Carlson yesterday at 01:01
Message deleted
But would it ever get off the ground.lol
ReplyContext -1
G777GUN yesterday at 00:51
Hmmmm. Good tail design, rudder must mainly be drag rudders, cant have both types of engines for hypersonic and subsonic because you have 2 types of engine there, 400 tanks is misleading that aircraft cant carry 400 maybe 4 per aircraft, hypersonic needs concorde shape not wide subsonic shape, has no VTOL capability, is not stealthy enough due to massive intakes, tail engines is stupidly impossible for maintenance, large engines are HUGE and its very fictional. Nice animation though.

Sorry Russia I cant see this one being any good. Pak Da was a more reasonable design for the job. You have great aircraft designers in Russia just not these ones that made PAK TA.

Will I design you a plane. Nah, I dont want to get shot by my own govt. lol
John Carlson
John Carlson yesterday at 00:27
Message deleted
but for now the us is far more superior!
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Сообщений: 81180
22:03 22.03.2015
Там больше про Армату..Это можно не переводить...
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    Концепт состоится! Красавец, а?!. А мне другое интересно, где ох ходит, что тонет в ... овне?
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